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- 1. What are work credits, and how can I sign up?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Workcredits (or workdays) include a wide variety of activities where our members help to run events, perform work needed, and help improve the Club. Workcredits are a membership requirement and make the club unique by helping to foster involvement and save on operating expenses.
The general rule is four hours of service = 1 workcredit.
There are several ways to earn workcredits. These include attending monthly Saturday "cleanups", serving on a party committee, volunteering for the Junior International Badminton Tournament, Hometown Fair booth, Annual Rummage Sale and Silent Auction, helping at the November and May meetings, and more.
Members can sign up for many workcredits online here, and often there are sign up sheets at each of the semi-annual meetings for various workday opportunities.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2825 Times - 2. Why are members required to perform workday credits?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The Club is not a staffed club and functions much like a co-op. Having members perform some of the work and participate in activities saves money since it is not necessary to hire someone from the outside to do the same service. In addition, doing work at the Club helps instill participation and encourages members to get involved in Club activities.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2656 Times - 3. How do I join the Badminton Club?Author: John Merkster 29.09.16More
For Regular Members, you will need two sponsors who are current members of the Club. The current members need to download an Application via our website, complete, and both sponsors and new applicants must sign. Please submit the application to the Vice President , and it will be added to our waiting list.
For Playing Members, you can download the application, and send to the Adult Badminton Chairperson.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(7) / No(16)Viewed 6437 Times - 4. How many workdays do I need to complete?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Regular, Playing, and Provisional Members must complete three workdays within the one year period of June 1 through May 31. That means a couple must complete six workdays in a one year period. Our current policy is that one spouse can perform workdays for the other.
In addition, each member is expected to attend the two semi annual meetings in order to fulfill their obligations.
(Note: Intermediate Members must complete one workday per member per year, and Associate Members have no workday requirements)
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(11) / No(0)Viewed 2761 Times - 5. How can I check the workdays I have earned?Author: Art Merkin 05.05.18More
You can check your year-to-date workdays by going to this link:
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 1695 Times - 6. What are the fines if I don’t complete all my workdays?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Each Regular, Playing, and Provisional Members must complete three workdays within each Club year which runs June 1 through May 31. (A couple must complete six workdays in a one year period.)
Fines are assessed based on the number of missed workdays as follows:
1 missed workday: $150
2 missed workdays: $300
3 missed workdays: $450
A total of $450 in workday fines may be assessed per member per year; or $900 per couple.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 2490 Times - 7. Do we have to know how to play Badminton to join the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No, but this is certainly one of the best experiences we have to offer when members join the Club and learn to play. However, we do require anyone using the courts to wear proper attire which includes shirt, shorts and gum soled sneakers. Bare feet, flip flops or hard shoes are not allowed.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(1)Viewed 4187 Times - 8. What is the cost of joining the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
A Family pays a one time $1500 membership fee, and dues are $150 per month. The family membership includes children living at home under the age of 22.
For a Playing member, the dues are $60 a month with a $175 deposit.
For a Junior Playing member, the dues are $120 a month with a $120 deposit.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(7) / No(5)Viewed 5902 Times - 9. I think I did all my workdays but received a fine. What do I do?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Sometimes mistakes occur when a member isn’t given credit for their participation. Please contact the event organizer or the Vice President to resolve any issues.
A member has 60 days after billing to contest a fine.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2346 Times - 10. I’m already a member; how can I sponsor my friends?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Once you have been a member for a year, you can sponsor other members. New Applicants must have two sponsors; one of the sponsors must be personally acquainted with the prospective members for at least one year.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(1)Viewed 3428 Times - 11. I signed up to volunteer for a party that was cancelled. Do I still get workday credits?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Unfortunately, no. It is your responsibility to sign up for another party or event to receive workday credits.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2319 Times - 12. How do I know the application has been accepted?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Once the Vice President has received the application, the names of the prospective members are posted in the Shuttlecock, the monthly newsletter available to all current members.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2979 Times - 13. What and When are the Semi-Annual Meetings?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
General Meetings are a great opportunity to socialize with other members, receive updates from Board Members, and to discuss and vote on Club issues. The MBBC was founded on a participatory membership, and thus our by-laws state that attendance is required for all Regular, Provisional, Intermediate, and Legacy members.
The club operates on an annual calendar from June 1 through May 31. We hold the Fall meeting on the first Sunday in November and the Spring meeting on the third Sunday in May.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2272 Times - 14. I’ve sponsored a member but heard the waiting list is three+ years? Why?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The Manhattan Beach Badminton Club is limited to only 250 regular members and new members are admitted only when a member leaves the Club. Because openings are dependent on current members leaving the club, the times before an applicant is invited to join the Club can vary.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(1)Viewed 3740 Times - 15. What are requirements to attend the Semi-Annual Meetings?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
MBBC By-Laws require voting members to attend both Semi-Annual Meetings each year. Only one meeting per year can be proxied, the other must be in person. (Playing members are not voting members and do not attend)
A member is allowed to proxy ONE meeting during the year: Either the 1st meeting in November or the 2nd meeting in May, BUT ONLY IF they attend the other meeting in person. No meeting credit will be given for a proxy unless you attend the other meeting in person. Members will be fined $100 for each missed meeting.
Proxy forms must be submitted PRIOR to the meeting, and can be put in the Club Drop Box (outside Kitchen) or sent to our PO Box, but if you want proof of receipt, you should email it to proxies@mbbadmintonclub.com.
To email, simply scan your signed proxy or take a photo of it with your phone. We will auto-reply with acknowledgement of your email.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2640 Times - 16. What happens when my friends are near the top of the waiting list?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Your friends will first be invited to an Orientation meeting for prospective members where they will learn about the Club, the privileges and obligations of membership. Once they have attended the Orientation and an opening occurs for them, the Vice-President will call your friend(s) and invite them to meet the Board. As a sponsor, you will be expected to attend and introduce the prospective member to the Board. Afterward, the Board will vote on their membership and if accepted, will invite them to join the Club.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 3009 Times - 17. How much is the fine for a missed meeting?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
- Each Regular, Intermediate Associate, Legacy, and Provisional Member is required to attend both General Meetings per year: Nov and May (NOTE: the club operates on a Calendar Year from June 1 through May 31, so the first meeting of the year is in November)
- If you attend one meeting in person, you can proxy the other one (see proxy form)
- NO meeting credit will be given for a proxy unless you attend the other semi-annual meeting in person
- Members will be fined $100 for each missed meeting. For example, if a member proxies November and misses May, they will be fined $200 for missing both meetings.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2411 Times - 18. What do I receive when my family joins the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Each member will receive a passkey for their personal use which is non-transferable. They must sign a waiver of liability which states that they will agree to abide by the MBBC By-laws and Rules, established by the Board of Directors.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2977 Times - 19. How often are the Saturday workdays held?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The workday schedule is posted on our website and is usually held on the second Saturday of every month from 8am to noon. The House Chairperson organizes the work needed. This includes general maintenance projects like cleaning, washing windows, painting, fixing things, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2406 Times - 20. What is a playing member?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
A playing member is a special membership for those who want to join the Club strictly for Badminton. Playing members must fulfill three workday obligations, pay monthly dues and a deposit to join. They do not have voting rights and do not attend the two meetings.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(2)Viewed 3720 Times - 21. Are workdays pro-rated for new or resigning members?Author: Art Merkin 22.01.18More
Yes - Workday Requirements are pro-rated as follows:
- We breakup the year into 1/3rds: 6/1-9/30, 10/1-1/31, and 2/1-5/31
- New members get the third in which they join free; thereafter they owe 1 workday per 1/3 year.
* Example: If a new member joins on June 1st - Sept 30th, they owe no workdays until the next period. - Resigning members owe 1 workday for every 1/3 year or part thereof.
* Example: If a member resigns anytime from June 1st - Sept 30th, they owe 1 workday.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 1825 Times - 22. How do I become a playing member?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
While there are many people who want to learn to play Badminton, we have a limited number of playing memberships available. Playing members are invited to join if they have tournament experience or advanced skill levels in Badminton. The Adult Badminton Chairperson meets with the candidate and recommends to the Board that the person is a strong player.
If you are interested in becoming a playing member contact the Adult Badminton Chairperson. The contact information can be found on the Club's website.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(5)Viewed 3822 Times - 23. What is an Instructor Member? How do I become one?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
An Instructor Member must be recommended by the Junior Chairperson and approved by the Board. They contribute two 2 hours of their time per week to the instruction of juniors during junior practice hours in lieu of dues.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2695 Times - 24. What is a Legacy Member?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Legacy membership is for those children of current members between the ages of 22-26 who would like to join the Club. The cost is $50 per month with half of the dues going towards their refundable deposit. Once it reaches $400, they become regular members. This membership category is not subject to the waiting list.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 3039 Times - 25. Are memberships transferable?
- 26. What are the hours of the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The Club is open from 6am to midnight. The last member leaving is responsible for making sure all doors are locked.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 2248 Times - 27. Do I have to reserve court time to play Badminton?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. However, specific times are set aside for three levels of play:
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced as posted on the Club calendar.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2410 Times - 28. How much does it cost to play?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Court time is free to all members.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(3)Viewed 2731 Times - 29. How do I learn to play the game?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
We have a full time coach who is available for free lessons for beginners during evening hours. There is a sign up sheet on the courts to reserve a practice time. Private lessons are available at off peak times for a modest fee.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2385 Times - 30. Where do I buy Badminton equipment?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There are several members who sell racquets, birds, clothes, and bags.
If you have any questions, ask Coach for help.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2124 Times - 31. I’m a beginner Adult player. When can I come to play?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For adult beginners, Monday nights from 8-10pm. Rackets are available for free.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2335 Times - 32. My kids want to learn how to play. What is the best time?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For beginners over the age of 7, Monday and Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. Intermediate Juniors play on Tuesday and Thursdays nights 6-8 pm.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(2)Viewed 2297 Times - 33. What are the other times reserved for play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Intermediate Players - Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8-10pm.
Advanced Players - Wednesday from 8-10pm and Sunday from 2-5pm.
All other times are open to members and guests to play. If you have any questions, ask Coach for help.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2103 Times - 34. How many guests can I bring to play Badminton?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
We limit the number of playing guests to three at one time.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2201 Times - 35. How often can a guest play at the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
A guest Badminton player may come twice a month.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2183 Times - 36. What is the cost for a guest to play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There is a flat fee of $10 for each guest, paid by the inviting member. All guests must be accompanied by a member. No walk-ins are allowed. This is very inexpensive compared with other Badminton Clubs in the area.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2367 Times - 37. How do I pay for my guests?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There is a sign-in/waiver of liability form located at the entrance to the courts which each guest must sign as well as the inviting member. All adult guests 18 years and older playing badminton sign the Waiver of Liability form and guests younger than 18 years of age must be must be signed in by the inviting adult member upon arrival and prior to play. The guest charge will be sent to the bookkeeper and will be reflected in your bill the following month.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2352 Times - 38. Can guests drop by the Club to play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
No, we do not allow drop-ins. All guests must arrive with an inviting member who signs them in. When the member leaves, so do the guests.
The inviting member is responsible for their guests while on the premises.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2404 Times - 39. What are the pool hours?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The pool is open from 6am to 10pm, 365 days. We keep it at a temperature of 81 degrees year round.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2256 Times - 40. Can my kids bring pool toys to the Club?Author: John Merkster 29.09.16More
No. We’re classified as a public facility by the County of Los Angeles which means, we are treated just like any other public pool. No foreign objects are allowed in the pool including noodles, boogie boards, swim fins, toys, squirt guns, rubber footballs, etc. It’s a safety issue.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2453 Times - 41. So what can my kids bring to the pool?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Goggles are acceptable. Kick boards if you are taking swim lessons. Flotation devices for beginner swimmers are limited to the shallow end of the pool. Otherwise, everything else is not allowed. No exceptions.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2218 Times - 42. When my kids come to the Club pool, can they bring their friends?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Yes. But all guests, regardless of age must be signed in PRIOR to using the pool. A charge of $5.00 per guest will be reflected in your bill the following month. All adult guests 18 years and older using the pool area must sign the Waiver of Liability form and guests younger than 18 years of age must be signed in by the inviting adult member upon arrival and prior to use. The waiver of liability and sign-in form is located near the spa
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2095 Times - 43. As a member, what are my responsibilities as a parent when I bring my children and guests?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For the safety of your children and guests, the Club requires that all children under the age of 18 must be closely supervised by an adult member. That means, children are not allowed to go onto the courts or swim in the pool without an adult member present at all times.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2652 Times - 44. What if we bring a friend and they don’t use the pool?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Any guest who does not use the pool does not have to sign the waiver of liability and can enjoy the Club, free of charge. This applies to both adult and child guests.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2094 Times - 45. Can we send our kids up to the Club with our key?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. Any minor under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member. This means they can’t use the Club without an adult member present. However, if arrangements are made with another adult member to act as chaperone, then your children can use the Club.
Member's children between the ages of 18-21 can use the Club as Junior Members, provided they complete the required application and liability waiver. Junior Members shall be allowed to bring one guest to the facility provided that guest rules and procedures are followed. Please see the By-Laws for more information.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(1)Viewed 2173 Times - 46. My mother is in town for a month. Can she use my key and bring my children to the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. She is not a member and not authorized to use the Club facility. The same rule applies to nannies, neighbors, friends, friends of friends, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2246 Times - 47. Do I have to sign in my grandchildren as guests?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Unless their parents are members, they must sign in as guests. Just because someone is related to you, doesn’t automatically make them members and give them use of the Club.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2005 Times - 48. My adult children are in town. Can they use the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Only if you accompany them and they sign in as guests. Once your children turn 22, they are no longer Junior members, but may join as a legacy member.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2126 Times - 49. My teenage child wants to go swimming at the Club with a friend, is that okay?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Under the By-Laws, a member's son or daughter between the ages of 18 and under 22 can use the Club and bring only one guest, provided the son/daughter fills out an application, meets with a member of the Board, signs a waiver of liability and understands the rules. Signing up is free and ensures that everyone using the Club knows and abides by the rules. Your child’s friend must sign in as a guest and you will be charged the guest fee.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 1966 Times - 50. What if my child doesn’t sign up and goes to the Club anyway?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
If he/she hasn’t signed up and is found on Club property, then as a member, you are in violation of the By-Laws and subject to disciplinary action by the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(1)Viewed 2067 Times - 51. What is the cost of reserving the Club for a party?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
There is no cost for a member to reserve the Club for a party.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2054 Times - 52. We’re having a party at the Club with several other members. Do we need approval?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
If you are bringing guests and there are more than ten people, then it needs to be managed by the Entertainment Chair to ensure there are no conflicts. Any member who hosts an unapproved party or misrepresents a party can face disciplinary action by the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2278 Times - 53. We would like to have a party for 20 people, on a weekday at the Club.Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Any party over 20 must be approved by the Board of Directors. Certain restrictions may be placed on the group, including having a lifeguard on duty for the safety of the members and guests. If your party is approved, it does not preclude use by other members and all other members will have full access to the facilities including the pool, kitchen, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2261 Times - 54. We’d like to have a party for my daughter’s soccer team. Is that okay?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
All parties, regardless of size, must be submitted in writing to the Entertainment Chairperson for approval. Under the By-Laws, it requires a 1:3 adult and 1:6 ratio of junior members to guests in order for a party to be approved. All parties are subject to certain restrictions.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2381 Times - 55. What about a birthday party during the summer months?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Due to possible conflicts between members, the Board prohibits parties on Friday-Saturday-Sunday from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2226 Times - 56. Can I have a graduation party?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Because of our past experiences with graduation parties, the Club has specifically prohibited this type of event.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2167 Times - 57. Who are the Board Members? What do they do?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Board members are club members who donate their time to serving the Club. Each position has its own set of responsibilities and duties. Board members donate 3-4 hours a month to attend the monthly Board Meetings to manage the affairs of the Club. Board Members are not compensated and are volunteers. The Board is always looking for members to participate in the running of the Club. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the Club President via the website. Contact a member of the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2196 Times - 58. Who is responsible for enforcing the rules at the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
It is the responsibility of every member to enforce the rules. If a member or guest refuses to abide by the rules, then it should be brought to the attention of the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2243 Times - 59. If I have a dispute with my bill, who should I contact?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Always contact the Treasurer, who is responsible for all financial issues. Contacting the Bookkeeper will only delay the process since problems involving charges, fines and other Club business is a function of the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2403 Times - 60. How do we resign from the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Any member wishing to resign must contact the Vice-President in writing. The email address for the Vice-President can be found on the website. Sending a resignation to the Bookkeeper is not acceptable since this a function of the Board, not the Bookkeeper.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2222 Times - 61. I would like something posted on the website and/or send an email out to the club's members. How do I do that?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Only Board members can post information on the Club's website and request emails be sent to the membership. If you are part of a Club-related activity that you would like the membership to know about, please contact the Board Member responsible for that area, or the Communications Chair. The Club's website and email list are exclusively for Club business, and may not be used for any private, business, party or other purpose, including political or fundraising activities.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 1887 Times - 62. How do I add / update my Profile Photo?Author: Art Merkin 24.06.18More
It is easy to upload a photo to your account page. (NOTE: your picture and contact details are all secure, meaning they can only be seen by other members who are logged in.)
Go to https://mbbadmintonclub.com/user/?profiletab=main&um_action=edit
Click on the photo icon, select a photograph from your phone or computer, crop it to focus on your headshot if desired, and save!
And if you don't know your password, you can reset it here:
https://mbbadmintonclub.com/password-reset/Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(1)Viewed 1686 Times - 63. What is the MBBC mailing address?Author: Ellen Walters 10.09.18More
The mailing address for the Manhattan Beach Badminton Club is:
Manhattan Beach Badminton Club
PO Box 3339
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 1645 Times - 64. How can I arrange swim lessons for my child?Author: Art Merkin 22.07.19More
The Club has arranged for swim instructor Bob Scott to give lessons at the MBBC pool. He teaches both general swimming instructions as well as Jr Lifeguard preparation.
Bob can be reached at:
(424) 634-2141
b4envunl@gmail.comWas this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 1422 Times
- 1. How do I join the Badminton Club?Author: John Merkster 29.09.16More
For Regular Members, you will need two sponsors who are current members of the Club. The current members need to download an Application via our website, complete, and both sponsors and new applicants must sign. Please submit the application to the Vice President , and it will be added to our waiting list.
For Playing Members, you can download the application, and send to the Adult Badminton Chairperson.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(7) / No(16)Viewed 6437 Times - 2. Do we have to know how to play Badminton to join the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No, but this is certainly one of the best experiences we have to offer when members join the Club and learn to play. However, we do require anyone using the courts to wear proper attire which includes shirt, shorts and gum soled sneakers. Bare feet, flip flops or hard shoes are not allowed.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(1)Viewed 4187 Times - 3. What is the cost of joining the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
A Family pays a one time $1500 membership fee, and dues are $150 per month. The family membership includes children living at home under the age of 22.
For a Playing member, the dues are $60 a month with a $175 deposit.
For a Junior Playing member, the dues are $120 a month with a $120 deposit.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(7) / No(5)Viewed 5902 Times - 4. I’m already a member; how can I sponsor my friends?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Once you have been a member for a year, you can sponsor other members. New Applicants must have two sponsors; one of the sponsors must be personally acquainted with the prospective members for at least one year.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(1)Viewed 3428 Times - 5. How do I know the application has been accepted?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Once the Vice President has received the application, the names of the prospective members are posted in the Shuttlecock, the monthly newsletter available to all current members.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2979 Times - 6. I’ve sponsored a member but heard the waiting list is three+ years? Why?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The Manhattan Beach Badminton Club is limited to only 250 regular members and new members are admitted only when a member leaves the Club. Because openings are dependent on current members leaving the club, the times before an applicant is invited to join the Club can vary.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(1)Viewed 3740 Times - 7. What happens when my friends are near the top of the waiting list?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Your friends will first be invited to an Orientation meeting for prospective members where they will learn about the Club, the privileges and obligations of membership. Once they have attended the Orientation and an opening occurs for them, the Vice-President will call your friend(s) and invite them to meet the Board. As a sponsor, you will be expected to attend and introduce the prospective member to the Board. Afterward, the Board will vote on their membership and if accepted, will invite them to join the Club.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 3009 Times - 8. What do I receive when my family joins the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Each member will receive a passkey for their personal use which is non-transferable. They must sign a waiver of liability which states that they will agree to abide by the MBBC By-laws and Rules, established by the Board of Directors.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2977 Times - 9. What is a playing member?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
A playing member is a special membership for those who want to join the Club strictly for Badminton. Playing members must fulfill three workday obligations, pay monthly dues and a deposit to join. They do not have voting rights and do not attend the two meetings.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(2)Viewed 3720 Times - 10. How do I become a playing member?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
While there are many people who want to learn to play Badminton, we have a limited number of playing memberships available. Playing members are invited to join if they have tournament experience or advanced skill levels in Badminton. The Adult Badminton Chairperson meets with the candidate and recommends to the Board that the person is a strong player.
If you are interested in becoming a playing member contact the Adult Badminton Chairperson. The contact information can be found on the Club's website.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(5)Viewed 3822 Times - 11. What is an Instructor Member? How do I become one?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
An Instructor Member must be recommended by the Junior Chairperson and approved by the Board. They contribute two 2 hours of their time per week to the instruction of juniors during junior practice hours in lieu of dues.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2695 Times - 12. What is a Legacy Member?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Legacy membership is for those children of current members between the ages of 22-26 who would like to join the Club. The cost is $50 per month with half of the dues going towards their refundable deposit. Once it reaches $400, they become regular members. This membership category is not subject to the waiting list.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 3039 Times - 13. Are memberships transferable?
- 1. Do we have to know how to play Badminton to join the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No, but this is certainly one of the best experiences we have to offer when members join the Club and learn to play. However, we do require anyone using the courts to wear proper attire which includes shirt, shorts and gum soled sneakers. Bare feet, flip flops or hard shoes are not allowed.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(1)Viewed 4187 Times - 2. What is a playing member?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
A playing member is a special membership for those who want to join the Club strictly for Badminton. Playing members must fulfill three workday obligations, pay monthly dues and a deposit to join. They do not have voting rights and do not attend the two meetings.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(2)Viewed 3720 Times - 3. How do I become a playing member?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
While there are many people who want to learn to play Badminton, we have a limited number of playing memberships available. Playing members are invited to join if they have tournament experience or advanced skill levels in Badminton. The Adult Badminton Chairperson meets with the candidate and recommends to the Board that the person is a strong player.
If you are interested in becoming a playing member contact the Adult Badminton Chairperson. The contact information can be found on the Club's website.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(5)Viewed 3822 Times - 4. What is an Instructor Member? How do I become one?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
An Instructor Member must be recommended by the Junior Chairperson and approved by the Board. They contribute two 2 hours of their time per week to the instruction of juniors during junior practice hours in lieu of dues.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2695 Times - 5. Do I have to reserve court time to play Badminton?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. However, specific times are set aside for three levels of play:
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced as posted on the Club calendar.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2410 Times - 6. How much does it cost to play?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Court time is free to all members.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(3)Viewed 2731 Times - 7. How do I learn to play the game?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
We have a full time coach who is available for free lessons for beginners during evening hours. There is a sign up sheet on the courts to reserve a practice time. Private lessons are available at off peak times for a modest fee.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2385 Times - 8. Where do I buy Badminton equipment?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There are several members who sell racquets, birds, clothes, and bags.
If you have any questions, ask Coach for help.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2124 Times - 9. I’m a beginner Adult player. When can I come to play?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For adult beginners, Monday nights from 8-10pm. Rackets are available for free.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2335 Times - 10. My kids want to learn how to play. What is the best time?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For beginners over the age of 7, Monday and Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. Intermediate Juniors play on Tuesday and Thursdays nights 6-8 pm.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(2)Viewed 2297 Times - 11. What are the other times reserved for play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Intermediate Players - Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8-10pm.
Advanced Players - Wednesday from 8-10pm and Sunday from 2-5pm.
All other times are open to members and guests to play. If you have any questions, ask Coach for help.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2103 Times - 12. How many guests can I bring to play Badminton?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
We limit the number of playing guests to three at one time.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2201 Times - 13. How often can a guest play at the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
A guest Badminton player may come twice a month.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2183 Times - 14. What is the cost for a guest to play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There is a flat fee of $10 for each guest, paid by the inviting member. All guests must be accompanied by a member. No walk-ins are allowed. This is very inexpensive compared with other Badminton Clubs in the area.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2367 Times - 15. How do I pay for my guests?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There is a sign-in/waiver of liability form located at the entrance to the courts which each guest must sign as well as the inviting member. All adult guests 18 years and older playing badminton sign the Waiver of Liability form and guests younger than 18 years of age must be must be signed in by the inviting adult member upon arrival and prior to play. The guest charge will be sent to the bookkeeper and will be reflected in your bill the following month.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2352 Times - 16. Can guests drop by the Club to play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
No, we do not allow drop-ins. All guests must arrive with an inviting member who signs them in. When the member leaves, so do the guests.
The inviting member is responsible for their guests while on the premises.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2404 Times - 17. As a member, what are my responsibilities as a parent when I bring my children and guests?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For the safety of your children and guests, the Club requires that all children under the age of 18 must be closely supervised by an adult member. That means, children are not allowed to go onto the courts or swim in the pool without an adult member present at all times.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2652 Times
- 1. What are the pool hours?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The pool is open from 6am to 10pm, 365 days. We keep it at a temperature of 81 degrees year round.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2256 Times - 2. Can my kids bring pool toys to the Club?Author: John Merkster 29.09.16More
No. We’re classified as a public facility by the County of Los Angeles which means, we are treated just like any other public pool. No foreign objects are allowed in the pool including noodles, boogie boards, swim fins, toys, squirt guns, rubber footballs, etc. It’s a safety issue.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2453 Times - 3. So what can my kids bring to the pool?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Goggles are acceptable. Kick boards if you are taking swim lessons. Flotation devices for beginner swimmers are limited to the shallow end of the pool. Otherwise, everything else is not allowed. No exceptions.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2218 Times - 4. When my kids come to the Club pool, can they bring their friends?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Yes. But all guests, regardless of age must be signed in PRIOR to using the pool. A charge of $5.00 per guest will be reflected in your bill the following month. All adult guests 18 years and older using the pool area must sign the Waiver of Liability form and guests younger than 18 years of age must be signed in by the inviting adult member upon arrival and prior to use. The waiver of liability and sign-in form is located near the spa
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2095 Times - 5. As a member, what are my responsibilities as a parent when I bring my children and guests?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For the safety of your children and guests, the Club requires that all children under the age of 18 must be closely supervised by an adult member. That means, children are not allowed to go onto the courts or swim in the pool without an adult member present at all times.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2652 Times - 6. What if we bring a friend and they don’t use the pool?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Any guest who does not use the pool does not have to sign the waiver of liability and can enjoy the Club, free of charge. This applies to both adult and child guests.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2094 Times - 7. Can we send our kids up to the Club with our key?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. Any minor under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member. This means they can’t use the Club without an adult member present. However, if arrangements are made with another adult member to act as chaperone, then your children can use the Club.
Member's children between the ages of 18-21 can use the Club as Junior Members, provided they complete the required application and liability waiver. Junior Members shall be allowed to bring one guest to the facility provided that guest rules and procedures are followed. Please see the By-Laws for more information.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(1)Viewed 2173 Times - 8. My mother is in town for a month. Can she use my key and bring my children to the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. She is not a member and not authorized to use the Club facility. The same rule applies to nannies, neighbors, friends, friends of friends, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2246 Times - 9. My teenage child wants to go swimming at the Club with a friend, is that okay?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Under the By-Laws, a member's son or daughter between the ages of 18 and under 22 can use the Club and bring only one guest, provided the son/daughter fills out an application, meets with a member of the Board, signs a waiver of liability and understands the rules. Signing up is free and ensures that everyone using the Club knows and abides by the rules. Your child’s friend must sign in as a guest and you will be charged the guest fee.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 1966 Times - 10. What if my child doesn’t sign up and goes to the Club anyway?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
If he/she hasn’t signed up and is found on Club property, then as a member, you are in violation of the By-Laws and subject to disciplinary action by the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(1)Viewed 2067 Times - 11. How can I arrange swim lessons for my child?Author: Art Merkin 22.07.19More
The Club has arranged for swim instructor Bob Scott to give lessons at the MBBC pool. He teaches both general swimming instructions as well as Jr Lifeguard preparation.
Bob can be reached at:
(424) 634-2141
b4envunl@gmail.comWas this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 1422 Times
- 1. As a member, what are my responsibilities as a parent when I bring my children and guests?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For the safety of your children and guests, the Club requires that all children under the age of 18 must be closely supervised by an adult member. That means, children are not allowed to go onto the courts or swim in the pool without an adult member present at all times.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2652 Times - 2. What is the cost of reserving the Club for a party?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
There is no cost for a member to reserve the Club for a party.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2054 Times - 3. We’re having a party at the Club with several other members. Do we need approval?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
If you are bringing guests and there are more than ten people, then it needs to be managed by the Entertainment Chair to ensure there are no conflicts. Any member who hosts an unapproved party or misrepresents a party can face disciplinary action by the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2278 Times - 4. We would like to have a party for 20 people, on a weekday at the Club.Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Any party over 20 must be approved by the Board of Directors. Certain restrictions may be placed on the group, including having a lifeguard on duty for the safety of the members and guests. If your party is approved, it does not preclude use by other members and all other members will have full access to the facilities including the pool, kitchen, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2261 Times - 5. We’d like to have a party for my daughter’s soccer team. Is that okay?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
All parties, regardless of size, must be submitted in writing to the Entertainment Chairperson for approval. Under the By-Laws, it requires a 1:3 adult and 1:6 ratio of junior members to guests in order for a party to be approved. All parties are subject to certain restrictions.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2381 Times - 6. What about a birthday party during the summer months?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Due to possible conflicts between members, the Board prohibits parties on Friday-Saturday-Sunday from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2226 Times - 7. Can I have a graduation party?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Because of our past experiences with graduation parties, the Club has specifically prohibited this type of event.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2167 Times
- 1. How many guests can I bring to play Badminton?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
We limit the number of playing guests to three at one time.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2201 Times - 2. How often can a guest play at the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
A guest Badminton player may come twice a month.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2183 Times - 3. What is the cost for a guest to play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There is a flat fee of $10 for each guest, paid by the inviting member. All guests must be accompanied by a member. No walk-ins are allowed. This is very inexpensive compared with other Badminton Clubs in the area.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2367 Times - 4. How do I pay for my guests?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
There is a sign-in/waiver of liability form located at the entrance to the courts which each guest must sign as well as the inviting member. All adult guests 18 years and older playing badminton sign the Waiver of Liability form and guests younger than 18 years of age must be must be signed in by the inviting adult member upon arrival and prior to play. The guest charge will be sent to the bookkeeper and will be reflected in your bill the following month.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2352 Times - 5. Can guests drop by the Club to play?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
No, we do not allow drop-ins. All guests must arrive with an inviting member who signs them in. When the member leaves, so do the guests.
The inviting member is responsible for their guests while on the premises.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2404 Times - 6. When my kids come to the Club pool, can they bring their friends?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Yes. But all guests, regardless of age must be signed in PRIOR to using the pool. A charge of $5.00 per guest will be reflected in your bill the following month. All adult guests 18 years and older using the pool area must sign the Waiver of Liability form and guests younger than 18 years of age must be signed in by the inviting adult member upon arrival and prior to use. The waiver of liability and sign-in form is located near the spa
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2095 Times - 7. As a member, what are my responsibilities as a parent when I bring my children and guests?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
For the safety of your children and guests, the Club requires that all children under the age of 18 must be closely supervised by an adult member. That means, children are not allowed to go onto the courts or swim in the pool without an adult member present at all times.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2652 Times - 8. What if we bring a friend and they don’t use the pool?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Any guest who does not use the pool does not have to sign the waiver of liability and can enjoy the Club, free of charge. This applies to both adult and child guests.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2094 Times - 9. Can we send our kids up to the Club with our key?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. Any minor under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member. This means they can’t use the Club without an adult member present. However, if arrangements are made with another adult member to act as chaperone, then your children can use the Club.
Member's children between the ages of 18-21 can use the Club as Junior Members, provided they complete the required application and liability waiver. Junior Members shall be allowed to bring one guest to the facility provided that guest rules and procedures are followed. Please see the By-Laws for more information.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(1)Viewed 2173 Times - 10. My mother is in town for a month. Can she use my key and bring my children to the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
No. She is not a member and not authorized to use the Club facility. The same rule applies to nannies, neighbors, friends, friends of friends, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2246 Times - 11. Do I have to sign in my grandchildren as guests?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Unless their parents are members, they must sign in as guests. Just because someone is related to you, doesn’t automatically make them members and give them use of the Club.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2005 Times - 12. My adult children are in town. Can they use the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Only if you accompany them and they sign in as guests. Once your children turn 22, they are no longer Junior members, but may join as a legacy member.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2126 Times - 13. My teenage child wants to go swimming at the Club with a friend, is that okay?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Under the By-Laws, a member's son or daughter between the ages of 18 and under 22 can use the Club and bring only one guest, provided the son/daughter fills out an application, meets with a member of the Board, signs a waiver of liability and understands the rules. Signing up is free and ensures that everyone using the Club knows and abides by the rules. Your child’s friend must sign in as a guest and you will be charged the guest fee.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 1966 Times - 14. What if my child doesn’t sign up and goes to the Club anyway?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
If he/she hasn’t signed up and is found on Club property, then as a member, you are in violation of the By-Laws and subject to disciplinary action by the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(1)Viewed 2067 Times - 15. What is the cost of reserving the Club for a party?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
There is no cost for a member to reserve the Club for a party.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2054 Times - 16. We’re having a party at the Club with several other members. Do we need approval?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
If you are bringing guests and there are more than ten people, then it needs to be managed by the Entertainment Chair to ensure there are no conflicts. Any member who hosts an unapproved party or misrepresents a party can face disciplinary action by the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2278 Times - 17. We would like to have a party for 20 people, on a weekday at the Club.Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Any party over 20 must be approved by the Board of Directors. Certain restrictions may be placed on the group, including having a lifeguard on duty for the safety of the members and guests. If your party is approved, it does not preclude use by other members and all other members will have full access to the facilities including the pool, kitchen, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2261 Times - 18. We’d like to have a party for my daughter’s soccer team. Is that okay?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
All parties, regardless of size, must be submitted in writing to the Entertainment Chairperson for approval. Under the By-Laws, it requires a 1:3 adult and 1:6 ratio of junior members to guests in order for a party to be approved. All parties are subject to certain restrictions.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2381 Times - 19. What about a birthday party during the summer months?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Due to possible conflicts between members, the Board prohibits parties on Friday-Saturday-Sunday from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2226 Times - 20. Can I have a graduation party?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Because of our past experiences with graduation parties, the Club has specifically prohibited this type of event.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2167 Times
- 1. What are work credits, and how can I sign up?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Workcredits (or workdays) include a wide variety of activities where our members help to run events, perform work needed, and help improve the Club. Workcredits are a membership requirement and make the club unique by helping to foster involvement and save on operating expenses.
The general rule is four hours of service = 1 workcredit.
There are several ways to earn workcredits. These include attending monthly Saturday "cleanups", serving on a party committee, volunteering for the Junior International Badminton Tournament, Hometown Fair booth, Annual Rummage Sale and Silent Auction, helping at the November and May meetings, and more.
Members can sign up for many workcredits online here, and often there are sign up sheets at each of the semi-annual meetings for various workday opportunities.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2825 Times - 2. Why are members required to perform workday credits?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The Club is not a staffed club and functions much like a co-op. Having members perform some of the work and participate in activities saves money since it is not necessary to hire someone from the outside to do the same service. In addition, doing work at the Club helps instill participation and encourages members to get involved in Club activities.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2656 Times - 3. How many workdays do I need to complete?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Regular, Playing, and Provisional Members must complete three workdays within the one year period of June 1 through May 31. That means a couple must complete six workdays in a one year period. Our current policy is that one spouse can perform workdays for the other.
In addition, each member is expected to attend the two semi annual meetings in order to fulfill their obligations.
(Note: Intermediate Members must complete one workday per member per year, and Associate Members have no workday requirements)
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(11) / No(0)Viewed 2761 Times - 4. How can I check the workdays I have earned?Author: Art Merkin 05.05.18More
You can check your year-to-date workdays by going to this link:
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 1695 Times - 5. What are the fines if I don’t complete all my workdays?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Each Regular, Playing, and Provisional Members must complete three workdays within each Club year which runs June 1 through May 31. (A couple must complete six workdays in a one year period.)
Fines are assessed based on the number of missed workdays as follows:
1 missed workday: $150
2 missed workdays: $300
3 missed workdays: $450
A total of $450 in workday fines may be assessed per member per year; or $900 per couple.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0)Viewed 2490 Times - 6. I think I did all my workdays but received a fine. What do I do?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
Sometimes mistakes occur when a member isn’t given credit for their participation. Please contact the event organizer or the Vice President to resolve any issues.
A member has 60 days after billing to contest a fine.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2346 Times - 7. I signed up to volunteer for a party that was cancelled. Do I still get workday credits?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Unfortunately, no. It is your responsibility to sign up for another party or event to receive workday credits.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2319 Times - 8. What and When are the Semi-Annual Meetings?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
General Meetings are a great opportunity to socialize with other members, receive updates from Board Members, and to discuss and vote on Club issues. The MBBC was founded on a participatory membership, and thus our by-laws state that attendance is required for all Regular, Provisional, Intermediate, and Legacy members.
The club operates on an annual calendar from June 1 through May 31. We hold the Fall meeting on the first Sunday in November and the Spring meeting on the third Sunday in May.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2272 Times - 9. What are requirements to attend the Semi-Annual Meetings?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
MBBC By-Laws require voting members to attend both Semi-Annual Meetings each year. Only one meeting per year can be proxied, the other must be in person. (Playing members are not voting members and do not attend)
A member is allowed to proxy ONE meeting during the year: Either the 1st meeting in November or the 2nd meeting in May, BUT ONLY IF they attend the other meeting in person. No meeting credit will be given for a proxy unless you attend the other meeting in person. Members will be fined $100 for each missed meeting.
Proxy forms must be submitted PRIOR to the meeting, and can be put in the Club Drop Box (outside Kitchen) or sent to our PO Box, but if you want proof of receipt, you should email it to proxies@mbbadmintonclub.com.
To email, simply scan your signed proxy or take a photo of it with your phone. We will auto-reply with acknowledgement of your email.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2640 Times - 10. How much is the fine for a missed meeting?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
- Each Regular, Intermediate Associate, Legacy, and Provisional Member is required to attend both General Meetings per year: Nov and May (NOTE: the club operates on a Calendar Year from June 1 through May 31, so the first meeting of the year is in November)
- If you attend one meeting in person, you can proxy the other one (see proxy form)
- NO meeting credit will be given for a proxy unless you attend the other semi-annual meeting in person
- Members will be fined $100 for each missed meeting. For example, if a member proxies November and misses May, they will be fined $200 for missing both meetings.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2411 Times - 11. How often are the Saturday workdays held?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
The workday schedule is posted on our website and is usually held on the second Saturday of every month from 8am to noon. The House Chairperson organizes the work needed. This includes general maintenance projects like cleaning, washing windows, painting, fixing things, etc.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2406 Times - 12. Are workdays pro-rated for new or resigning members?Author: Art Merkin 22.01.18More
Yes - Workday Requirements are pro-rated as follows:
- We breakup the year into 1/3rds: 6/1-9/30, 10/1-1/31, and 2/1-5/31
- New members get the third in which they join free; thereafter they owe 1 workday per 1/3 year.
* Example: If a new member joins on June 1st - Sept 30th, they owe no workdays until the next period. - Resigning members owe 1 workday for every 1/3 year or part thereof.
* Example: If a member resigns anytime from June 1st - Sept 30th, they owe 1 workday.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 1825 Times
- 1. How do I join the Badminton Club?Author: John Merkster 29.09.16More
For Regular Members, you will need two sponsors who are current members of the Club. The current members need to download an Application via our website, complete, and both sponsors and new applicants must sign. Please submit the application to the Vice President , and it will be added to our waiting list.
For Playing Members, you can download the application, and send to the Adult Badminton Chairperson.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(7) / No(16)Viewed 6437 Times - 2. What is the cost of joining the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 09.10.16More
A Family pays a one time $1500 membership fee, and dues are $150 per month. The family membership includes children living at home under the age of 22.
For a Playing member, the dues are $60 a month with a $175 deposit.
For a Junior Playing member, the dues are $120 a month with a $120 deposit.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(7) / No(5)Viewed 5902 Times - 3. Who are the Board Members? What do they do?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Board members are club members who donate their time to serving the Club. Each position has its own set of responsibilities and duties. Board members donate 3-4 hours a month to attend the monthly Board Meetings to manage the affairs of the Club. Board Members are not compensated and are volunteers. The Board is always looking for members to participate in the running of the Club. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the Club President via the website. Contact a member of the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 2196 Times - 4. Who is responsible for enforcing the rules at the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
It is the responsibility of every member to enforce the rules. If a member or guest refuses to abide by the rules, then it should be brought to the attention of the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0)Viewed 2243 Times - 5. If I have a dispute with my bill, who should I contact?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Always contact the Treasurer, who is responsible for all financial issues. Contacting the Bookkeeper will only delay the process since problems involving charges, fines and other Club business is a function of the Board.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0)Viewed 2403 Times - 6. How do we resign from the Club?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Any member wishing to resign must contact the Vice-President in writing. The email address for the Vice-President can be found on the website. Sending a resignation to the Bookkeeper is not acceptable since this a function of the Board, not the Bookkeeper.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(3) / No(0)Viewed 2222 Times - 7. I would like something posted on the website and/or send an email out to the club's members. How do I do that?Author: Ellen Walters 10.10.16More
Only Board members can post information on the Club's website and request emails be sent to the membership. If you are part of a Club-related activity that you would like the membership to know about, please contact the Board Member responsible for that area, or the Communications Chair. The Club's website and email list are exclusively for Club business, and may not be used for any private, business, party or other purpose, including political or fundraising activities.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0)Viewed 1887 Times - 8. How do I add / update my Profile Photo?Author: Art Merkin 24.06.18More
It is easy to upload a photo to your account page. (NOTE: your picture and contact details are all secure, meaning they can only be seen by other members who are logged in.)
Go to https://mbbadmintonclub.com/user/?profiletab=main&um_action=edit
Click on the photo icon, select a photograph from your phone or computer, crop it to focus on your headshot if desired, and save!
And if you don't know your password, you can reset it here:
https://mbbadmintonclub.com/password-reset/Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(1)Viewed 1686 Times